What comes next
Well sir, due to some circumstances beyond our control, the bank has postponed the Elmer’s auction one more time, this time to March 1st. It ain’t always easy working with somebody else’s system, but we’re moving forward, keeping our cool (which isn’t hard in 20 degree weather and continuous snow) and getting more and more determined, organized and excited as we go.
So don’t show up for the auction on the day after tomorrow – the 26th (the last date it was pushed to,) wait until March 1st and, well, at least it’ll be warmer outside.
Otherwise, Happy Mardi Gras! It’s not the day of yet, but ‘tis the season, king cakes abound, and I helped my friend bag up all her throws -- what they throw from the floats – in little pretty bags this evening. You know, y’all ought to come down for Mardi Gras, especially if you’ve never seen it. I’m here now – there’s no snow, but in this part of the humid world, 50 degrees is like 30 in the upper states. (I’m serious! You can’t keep this cold out! In the north you can put on three layers and go outside! Here? 34 layers don’t keep it out!)
If you’d like your own, authentic Mardi Gras king cake, call up my friends down in Charlemont at Wells Provisions! They’re from New Orleans, they have an outstanding restaurant there and they have bonafide New Orleans, Mardi Gras-season King Cakes! And if you get the baby, you gotta throw the next party! King Cakes | Wells Provisions.
Tomorrow is radio show day!
And here’s a short story to introduce my guest:
My dad, who was a very funny and happy man all the way through to his last seconds in life passed away about five years ago, and his last, exiting words were a glee-filled, “I’m free!”
Sitting by his side as he floated away I thought, “Wow! As much joy as he has experienced in life, whatever is calling to him from the other side must be really good!”
That experience, along with my mother’s lifting of her arms to Heaven moments before she went to join her people in the Great Beyond, five years earlier make me think, “Wow! What is over there??”
My guest tomorrow is Laura Cottingham, a professional end-of-life Doula who helps people and their families sort it all out at the end of life. I’ve always known doulas to be people who bring people into the world, but Laura aids people on the other end of their lives; assisting them with getting their legal affairs in order as they approach their last days, and then, helping people and their families prepare emotionally for the event.
She sits with the dying if no family can be in attendance (or if her presence is requested,) and has some very interesting stories about the things she has heard and witnessed as people leave their earthly bodies. I've known Laura for 35 years or so, and she is a very interesting woman, talking about something that I think will not only be thought provoking, but helpful to all of us who have lived this long.
One of the things she talks about is how death is not only natural (which is, of course, sometimes hard to remember,) but for those at their last moments on earth, it's often a welcome, verbal surprise as they cross over.
She’s full of a lot of stuff that makes you say, “Hmmmm…” – my very favorite thing in life to be struck by. (MUCH better than by cars or disease!)
We’ll be talking to Laura tomorrow afternoon at 4:30 on WHMP 101.5 / 1240 & 1400 AM | News | Information
If you miss it, you can catch the podcast at The Afternoon Buzz | Shows | WHMP 101.5 / 1240 & 1400 AM.
This will be a good’un.
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